Episode 295 - Training for Accountability with Rick Hogg
Rick Hogg is a 29 year Army Veteran, having spent most of that time in Special Operations. Since leaving our military, Rick has dedicated himself to sharing the lessons he learned, with those seeking to improve themselves. As owner of War Hogg Tactical, Rick has platform he's able to use to train both Law Enforcement and Civilians alike, who desire a higher level of personal capability, and accountability. In our conversation with Rick, we deep dive into training approach, mindset, and address many of the fundamental "why's" behind training methodology and how it impacts success. Using data to form complete goals and drive personal performance through dry fire and flat range sessions, Rick has found a unique way of sharing his knowledge in perhaps one of the most constructive and repeatable ways in our community. If you're looking for insight to help shape your practice, or perhaps just a fresh perspective, this is a episode you'll absolutely geek out for. Visit our sponsors! Our Patreon - www.patreon.com/prepared_mindset_pod Custom Night Vision - www.customnightvision.com American Defense Manufacturing - www.admmfg.com Orion Training Group - www.oriontraininggroup.com One Hundred Concepts - www.onehundredconcepts.com