Dominiece Clifton, CEO of Transformation YOUniversity

powherfull inc startup stories di Mia Frankl

Note sull'episodio

Are you ready? Are you open? Are you relaxed and available to receive as we pour into you with another fabulous episode of startup stories with Dominiece Clifton; a woman who has overcome herself to BEcome herself.

I love this "bio" in her own words:

I'm a momma, a spiritual guide, a business coach, a healer, a teacher, and a modern day medicine woman. But really, I’m just a girl who had the courage to say YES! YES to my soul’s calling. YES to becoming someone new. YES to living life on my own terms.

Can you be courageous to let more of who you are out? Do you know who she is, can you feel her inside of you? What you can create for yourself is completely possible and REAL.

And its not complicated, its not "far away" and its not expensive!!! Its just about choosing, choosing more deeply, more intentional ... 

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