The new generation of the Eastern European Left | A kelet-európai baloldal új generációja

Partizán Podcast di Partizán Podcast

Note sull'episodio

"A laboratory for the left? Orbán and his cronies present Hungary and other Eastern European countries as a laboratory for far-right governance. But they are not the only ones at work. They divide, we organise: LAB-LEFT." With these slogans, the Hungarian Spark Movement organised an international conference in Budapest in the last days of November.

Dávid took the opportunity to speak to some exciting people: from politicians from Croatia and organizers from Poland, to mineworker organizers from Albania. What do they have in common? Find out in the episode!

One thing is clear: there is a new generation of activists and a new generation of leaders here, in the post-socialist region, who were raised after the regime changes and have found ways to continue the struggle for workers' rights, women's rights and for emancipation.

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