#135- Joey Hadden: Insider Travel Reporter Shares Her Journey and Playing in a Band

Not in a Huff with Jackson Huff di Jackson Huff

Note sull'episodio

From editor approval to "Blanket Approval" this week I speak with Insider Travel Reporter Joey Hadden about how she balances her work as a journalist with her role as the drummer for an up and coming band. We talk how her passion for journalism started, the crazy places she has been for a good story, and the amount of work that goes into making a trip good and the stories that come from it even better. We then talk about her life as the drummer for Blanket Approval and thing big things coming up for the band.


Recent Insider Articles by Joey:

I've spent 100 hours traveling over 3,000 miles by train in 5 countries. Here are my 7 tips for making time fly on long rai ... 

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journalistsolo traveltravelerjournalismmusicianband