Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: A Legacy

National Security Law Today di National Security Law Today

Note sull'episodio
As the nation grieves the passing of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, she is remembered not just for her groundbreaking work within the Court, but also as a dedicated and passionate civic educator. This week host Elisa is joined by Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker and Suzanne Spaulding to discuss Justice O’Connor's legacy, her impact on civics education, and how her influence inside and outside of the Court has shaped American society. Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker is former General Counsel of the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency: https://www.csis.org/people/elizabeth-rindskopf-parker Suzanne Spaulding is former Undersecretary for the Department of Homeland Security: https://www.csis.org/people/suzanne-spaulding References: The O'Connor Institute page on Civics Education: htt ...   ...  Leggi dettagli