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Forrest, Conan Neutron, and Kristina Oakes talk about Robert Luketic's Legally Blonde Starring Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair, Matthew Davis, Victor Garber, and Jennifer Coolidge
It tells the story of Reese Witherspoon's Elle Woods who attempts to get her ex-boyfriend back by getting her law degree from Harvard #legallyblonde #reesewitherspoon #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #lukewilson #jennifercoolidge #law #lawyer #blonde #blondehair #harvardlaw #selmablair #film #mycousinvinny #lawschool #americanpie #election #cruelintentions #trial #harvard #lawyers #fashion #dogs
Conan's latest album 'The Way of the Neutron' is available on BandCamp!!!!! https://neutronfriends.bandcamp.c ...
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reese witherspoonlegally blonde