Note sull'episodio

Cats of Mount Washington Observatory

Overview: Meteorology Matters examines the history of resident cats at the Mount Washington Observatory. We highlight the roles these cats have played, their individual personalities, and the public interest they have garnered.

Key Themes:

  • Rodent Control & Companionship: Cats were initially introduced to the observatory in the 1930s for practical purposes. They served as mousers, keeping the rodent population in check, and also provided companionship to the weather observers stationed on the often-isolated mountaintop.
  • Mascots & Public Interest: Over time, the summit cats have transcended their practical roles and become beloved mascots for the Mount Washington Observatory. They are featured in gift shop  ... 
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Parole chiave
Mount WashingtonWeather ObservatoryWeatherWeather CatMeteorologistMount Washington CatsCatCatsNimbus