Melanoma Heart

di Vickie Hudson

Join Vickie Hudson-Craig as she invites you to join her on her journey living with Stage 4 Melanoma. Vickie is joined by her friends and cancer experts to explore what it's like living with a terminal illness. Her guests work through the acronym M.E.L.A.N.O.M.A to discuss all aspects of life and how it relates to them including M for Motherhood, and E for Expense.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Melanoma Heart Ep 5 - N is for Nourish

    Melanoma Heart Ep 5 - N is for Nourish

    This time Vickie is joined by her friend and personal trainer, Eleanor, as they discuss Nourish. This episode looks at how nourish is about attending to both body and mind and what Vickie does to stay on top of both.

  • Melanoma Heart Ep 4 - A is for Attitude

    Melanoma Heart Ep 4 - A is for Attitude

    Vickie's friend and work colleague joins her to this very personal episode, A is for attitude. Prue and Vickie talk about the observations of how your attitude can, and has changed since a diagnosis and what it takes to stay focused.

  • Melanoma Heart - L is for Living

    Melanoma Heart - L is for Living

    This episode Vickie is join by her brother in law, Rich, live from the UK via Zoom. Rich is the perfect guest for the L is for Living episode as he has recently had a brain tumor diagnosis. Vickie and Rich discuss their versions of L is for Living.

  • Melanoma Heart - E for Expense

    Melanoma Heart - E for Expense

    This episode Vickie is joined by heath funding advocate Malcolm Mulholland, who speaks about his own journey with cancer, and gives some insights into the world of Pharmac, the New Zealand government's drug funding agency.

  • Melanoma Heart - M for Motherhood

    Melanoma Heart - M for Motherhood

    Vickie's friend, Sarah joins her to talk motherhood, something they understand together as their 5 year old daughters are friends.