Note sull'episodio

We’re back to school and back to work and the clock is ticking. There's lots of stuff to get done! Let’s get to it:

Matt and Carol Almos share with us a Human Resources interview like no other.

John Ballinger and Ruby Farley punch the clock, quite literally, with their rendition of a Dolly Parton classic.

Double Batch Daddy have been hard at work on a brand new song.

Keythe talks with Myriame Lachapelle about her experiences working as a producer in the video game industry, where hundred-hour workweeks are often a way of life, and what labor unions are doing to change it.

And we face the challenges of returning from a laid back vacation to the hectic pace of work, and how we might navigate that transition with a little bit of Lounge energy.


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Parole chiave
laborvideo gameslabor daywork life balance