Grow Up!

LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley di LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley

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This month’s Lounge is all about Growing Up.

John Ballinger and Double Batch Daddy share a couple of tunes with us.

In honor of Pride Month, The Burglars of Hamm present a new Modern Fable called The Gay Man Who Did Not Seem Gay Enough.

The voice of Wile E. Coyote and Netflix’s BOSS BABY JP Karliak joins us to share how he grew to become a successful voice actor and how he created Queer VOX to foster LGBTQ+ inclusion in the voice over industry.

Ann and Keythe share a wonderful movie about fathers and sons, and pair it with one of their favorite dishes.

And Keythe talks about how to honor all the people in our lives who help us grow into who we’re meant to be.

Parole chiave
pridefathers daygrow uplgbtqvoice overgrowing up