Little Sleep//Much Reading

di Marissa Belmonte and Aliza Pelto

Aliza and Marissa are two Creative Writing Grads from Pratt Institute who LOVE books! Pratt gave us years of experience discussing books and being able to really identify the things we like or don't like. Our goal each week is not to find super amazing books we absolutely love, although that would be a nice treat. Our goal is to present new books to our listeners (and oftentimes ourselves) that they may not have had the opportu ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 6

  • Episode 102: LSMR 2024 Wrapped

    Episode 102: LSMR 2024 Wrapped

    These Ladies really do be readin, Huh? The LSMR Ladies are bringing you their 5(ish) favorites of 2024. Both ladies feel like their lists are a little underwhelming but lets get into it!

  • Episode 101: A Morbid Christmas


    Episode 101: A Morbid Christmas


    Marissa is the worst because she consistently forgets to post. But here we go this is our Morbid Christmas episode, and by morbid we mean that the LSMR girlies talk about Alaina's (from Morbid) newest book, The Butcher Game.

  • Episode One Hundred: Celebrating 100


    Episode One Hundred: Celebrating 100


    The Little Sleep Much Reading Podcast has reached ONE HUNDRED EPISODES!!! To celebrate we called in some of our favorite friends! We are beyond grateful to have reached this point. We love talking books with you all!

  • Episode Ninety-Nine: Sequels


    Episode Ninety-Nine: Sequels


    Howdy there folks. Better late than never right? Riss is juggling many things, but we want to make sure you get these episodes. Episode 99 is coming to you live with Sequels!

  • Episode Ninety-Eight: Summerween


    Episode Ninety-Eight: Summerween


    Happy Summerween to all of you who celebrate. Us LSMR girlies love Summer and love Halloween, so Summerween is the ultimate treat. Also we are just two episodes away from our 100th episode extravaganza!!