The Walk: Rhythm of Life. February 9, 2025

Kuna United Methodist Church Sermons di Kuna United Methodist Church

Note sull'episodio

Pastor Mia concludes the series, The Walk: Essential Practices of the Christian Life with a look at the weekly rythmn between work and rest. A pendulum swinging back and forth can help us visualize the movement between work and rest.

We're created to work, and God epxects us to work. Working provides a sense of purpose and it lets us experience the joy of contribution, but rest is important too. The Book of Genesis tells us God rested after spending six days creating the world and everything in it.

The Sabbath is for you too. The expectation to rest is one of the Ten Commandments; God instructs us to keep the Sabbath to the Lord your God. Failing to observe the Sabbath is as serious as theft and murder! Jesus took time to rest, spending days away from the discliples and crowds before he continued preaching.

Rest comes first, b ... 

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