King ReflectionsEsplicito

di Daniel Olival

This is a podcast extension of the brand XNDR KING. Throughout this podcast will mostly be spoken poems that I've written admist my deep thoughts and reflections of life. There will also be some interview discussions with local kings and queens about life's challenges and overcoming those challenges. Head over to for our apparel wear and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • 30_King Scott Keighran


    30_King Scott Keighran


    Ex-convict, Scott Keighran, joins us on this episode after being in prison for an accumulation of 7 years. During his second sentence, he wrote poems and decided to write a book with small explanations behind the reasoning of each poem. He gives us some extra insights of why he pushed through to getting the book published and the positive impact he wishes to make. No longer being held back from his past transgressions, Scott wishes to use his life to encourage others to make better choices before it escalates to becoming fatal. TRIGGER WARNING: We touch on topics that include violence, criminal offences, and suicide. Please be mindful while watching/listening. You can find his book at: and you can find his instagram through his handle: @scott_tk_keighran Please Subscribe to our channel for more content as well as following us on Instagram and Facebook through the links below:

  • 29_King Michael Vincent


    29_King Michael Vincent


    In this episode, I've brought on a friend of mine, Michael, who reached out to me wanting to find ways to get his story and message out about self-development/self-actualisation. He touches on a few points in this episode that you may need to come back and touch on after watching it once through. Take your time watching it as well, it may be a lot to take in, in one sitting. Enjoy!

  • 28_370Z Tribute

    28_370Z Tribute

    March 20th, 2023: Driving home after grocery shopping, blissfully listening to Kane Brown's album "Different Man" while eating chocolate, completely relaxed believing I was almost home from a long day, but completely ignorant of the fact that this would be the end of my long term relationship with my 370Z.To sum up my experience with this car in one word, it would be: sanctuary. Living with numerous housemates, working at different jobs, making friends and losing friends, this car was the rock between it all. The only time I could completely relax, feel safe, be myself without expectations or obligations was in this car.I never took it for granted. Every time I got in it, I cherished it as if it was going to be my last. Because no one knew when it was going to be our last.

  • 27_Doing Vs Watching

    27_Doing Vs Watching

    "You know, if they did something like this, it would be way better." "There needs to be more events like this." "People need to put more effort in." We've all heard people say things like this before and we sometimes think "Well, if you see something that needs to be done, put up your hand and say that you volunteer to organise doing it." Are you a 'watcher' or a 'doer'? I encourage you to become a doer. Don't just stand there and complain about everything that could be better, or done right, and not do anything about it. Do you want things to be better? Then start doing them yourself and you'll see everyone will follow suit! King Up!

  • 02_Realigning my Focus

    02_Realigning my Focus

    In this episode I address the concept of losing my focus and realigning it by giving time to myself. Also touch on what XNDR KING is all about and what it is not. And just thoughts running through my mind this past week.