Episodi del podcast
Our Dopamine Menus (Ep. 53)
It's January 2025, and for this episode we are chatting about the small things that bring us JOY - aka, our DOPAMINE MENUS! A current trend on social media - a DOPAMINE MENU is a personalized list of all kinds of activities and sources of positivity and happiness we can use as needed. And as you'd all expect, our choices for our DOPAMINE MENUS are as wild as we are, so listen in and maybe reflect on the things you'd put on your menu for 2025!
We're BACK! (Ep. 52)
Yes it's true, WE ARE BACK! It's been since May 2023 that we were able to sit down and record a podcast, and we knew we had to come back. This episode, we chat about what has been going on - both good and meh - and talk about plans for future episodes. We've missed you all, and are happy to be back online. Please join in and follow us on your usual streaming services, as well as on social media (TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook).