Why Manifesting Doesn't Always Work - E48

Hush Your Mind: Building a Better Relationship With Yourself di Annie Moussu

Note sull'episodio

When I wanted to manifest a new home, I made a vision board, visualized and focused on the positive. I quickly ran out of steam, feeling inadequate and hopeless. EFT Tapping helped me manifest some incredible things, so I dug in further and stumbled upon some surprising insight. It turns out there wasn't anything wrong with me. And that manifestation is about much more than making a shopping list for the universe. Listen to this episode to learn 3 reasons why manifesting doesn’t always work.

Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/why-manifesting-doesnt-work/

Free EFT session / interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/

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