Patterns of Presence - Day 20 - Change the Lens

Glasgow Elim Church di Glasgow Elim Church

Note sull'episodio

At times we need to lift our head, shift our gaze and adjust the focus to see that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. God is always present we just need to change the lens to see Him.

At Glasgow Elim Church, 'Presence is our Priority.'

As we seek to explore our ethos, we are building into our lives patterns that prioritise the presence of God.

To help with this, we are releasing a series of short devotional thoughts to help create a rhythm of pausing to connect with God.

Each episode features a scripture, a brief reflection, and a worship song.

Song: Great is His Faithfulness

Singer: Charity Gayle

Written by: David Gentiles, May Angelese, Steven Musso & Elizabeth Hunnicutt

℗ 2018 People & Songs

Glasgow Elim hereby declare that we do no ... 

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