The Fuck You Mentality Esplicito

di Lisa Giles

Welcome to the Fuck You Mentality - a safe place for the self made where we debunk social norms, validate your emotions, and remind you that you are not alone. it's that simple - always remember, fuck you, I'm doing me.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • dude its my first episode!


    dude its my first episode!


    hi hello, your favorite redhead. I go in to detail what's been going on in my life, and how much things have changed; a view into my life with no interruptions.

  • Kim's interview; the in's and out's of entrepreneurs


    Kim's interview; the in's and out's of entrepreneurs


    one of my best interviews yet. Kim and I go into detail about entrepreneurship, what it means to us, and share a few intimate moments about our lives that filter into our why. if you're looking for your sign, listen up,

  • hello breakthrough; warning, I'm crying.


    hello breakthrough; warning, I'm crying.


    well well well, doesn't life like to sneak up us? i heard this tiktok that really resonated with me and sent me into a mental breakdown. I think it was the universe telling me something, and I embraced it. maybe this is your sign too..

  • my first "student"; where she's at now.


    my first "student"; where she's at now.


    I interview one of my first stylist I ever took under my wing, she was my first stylist I hired to be apart of sj's, and I feel that her story is pretty awesome. she conquers trauma, heartache, and confusing times, and made it out on the other end, just from learning these simple tools. listen to what she has to say, and learn! her perspective has also taught me a lot.

  • lets talk cash money.


    lets talk cash money.


    I get this question a lot; how do you afford this? I talk about how having a positive relationship with money is so important, and how not having a good relationship might be the cause of all your stress.