FHP - Ep. 51 - The Politics of Diabetes feat. Dr. Brandon Credeur

Gut Health Reset with Dr. Ann-Marie Barter di Dr. Ann-Marie Barter

Note sull'episodio

Dr. Barter talks with Dr. Brandon Credeur about the politics and misinformation driving the American Diabetes epidemic.

They discuss the negative feedback loop created by the processed food industry, various government agencies and allopathic medicine.

How has the modern American diet been so thoroughly infiltrated by unhealthy foods? Who benefits?

Why is the current allopathic community complacent to write prescriptions instead of helping those with Type II Diabetes reverse the disease process naturally? Who is actually being served by today's standards of care in the allopathic community?

And what can be done to reverse this modern healthcare crisis?


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Parole chiave
functional medicinediabetesann barterdiagnostic nutritionbig agbig agriculturefood politicsnatural diabetes treatmentbrandon credeur