S4 Ep 10 - Antidotes to Resentment & Solutions for Healing with Dr. Bob Schuchts

Fairest Love Podcast di Mary, Mother of Fairest Love Family Project

Note sull'episodio

There are many instances throughout marriage where couples may grow in resentment and find it hard to forgive each other. Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, shares with us how we can build the muscle of forgiveness through humility. He explains the powerful example that parents can be to their children by showing charity and patience to each other.The John Paul II Healing Center has a number of events throughout the country that help marriages and individuals heal and grow in love. You can view their events on their website at jpiihealingcenter.org

Parole chiave
marriagehealthy familiesstruggle in marriagedifficulty in marriagemarriage challengescatholic marriagemarriage therapistmarriage advicefamily lifeforgivenessgenerosityadvicehumilitylovehealing