Citizen Kane (1941): NOT The Greatest Film Of All Time?! Hear Us Out...
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Ben & Rob ask ‘Citizen Kane’ if he has anything relevant to say to us in the year 2025, or whether it’s time to throw this Rosebud on the fire of progress. Released in 1941, ‘Citizen Kane’ is widely regarded by a certain type of film fan as ‘The Greatest Movie Of All Time’; pioneering cinematic and storytelling techniques still in use today. Its director and star Orson Welles denied it being based on famed newspaper mogul W Randolph Hearst, denied the co-writer his due credit and even denied the film deserved the praise it still receives to this day.
But over 80 years since its release, what could there possibly be left to talk about ‘Citizen Kane’? Does it offer insight into our contemporary lives or should we just marvel at its many ‘firsts’ for the art of filmmaking? And is Ben secretly a budding billionaire?
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