
Gone Girl (2014): Is Amy Dunne The Better Person In This Marriage?

The Every Movie Ever! Podcast di Ben Groves & Rob Macfarlane

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Ben and Rob return to hunt for 'Gone Girl', David Fincher's 2014 murder marriage mystery masterpiece starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. Released in 2014 to critical acclaim for both it's central performances and Fincher's trademark detail driven direction, 'Gone Girl' is a film about toxic marriage and psychopaths for the ages.

But which of our two star crossed lovers is really the biggest psychopath? Amy Dunne may have become one of cinema's most iconic female villains, but is she in fact the scapegoat of a far smarter, far more hidden psychopath? Is this film actually a tale of being pigeonholed by your audience? And does Ben secretly hate women? CONSUUUME to find out all of this and much, much more!

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