Dynamic Leadership Discussions: How to Get to the ‘Yes’

Dynamic Leadership Strategies di Leader Solutions and Decision Support

Note sull'episodio

Host: Stacy Mandock

Stacy Mandock provides support to the Risk Mitigation team as the program director. With the purpose of providing the safest possible experience for travelers both foreign and domestic, Stacy assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Her specialty is working with collegiate travelers and ensuring that they’re thoroughly prepared before travel as well as tracking potential risks or threats throughout their trips.

Guest: Beth MacDonald

Beth MacDonald has worked in the defense industry for over 20 years gaining experience in leadership, analysis, development, and solution-based results and currently works as the BD Director for Raven. As a seasoned resource management expert, she is pas ... 

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business successleadershiptransformational leadershipbusinessconflict resolution