Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 6 - Dr Lisa Greenspan - LAPIS

    DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 6 - Dr Lisa Greenspan - LAPIS

    SIXTH EPISODE of my new podcast on DisabilityPlatform. I talk to Dr Lisa Greenspan of LAPIS (London Accessibility Psychotherapy & Inclusive Supervision) - a charity that provides specialist counselling and psychotherapy to those affected by disability and life-changing health conditions and their families and carers. We discuss topics such as mental health support for disabled individuals including some of the most common issues they present with and how to get help. We also touched on the impact conditions can have on the families of those people and where they can access support. A particular topic of discussion was Parent Carers, who are often some of those that often contact LAPIS for trauma informed psychological support. Dr Greenspan has been part of a working group of parent carer professionals who produced guidance on parent carers to raise awareness. The report discovered that parents may be traumatized by being signposted to services that are not trauma informed. Link to the paper is below and we invite you to share with who may benefit from the information and resources listed. https://www.wellchild.org.uk/wp-conte... Please also see the parent carer mindfulness talk on YouTube that was filmed last year at the Parent Carer conference jointly carried out with affinityhub.uk Watch "Dr Lisa Greenspan, Parent Carer Wellbeing: Mindful Movement" https://youtu.be/sPSrpWb2tl4?si=iKlBR... Tune in for this and future episodes talking to some amazing people about some powerful topics.

  • DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 5 - Christina Warner - Barrister at 33 Bedford Row

    DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 5 - Christina Warner - Barrister at 33 Bedford Row

    FIFTH EPISODE of my new podcast on DisabilityPlatform. I talk to Christina Warner - Barrister at 33 Bedford Row, specialising in Family as well as a side practice in Animal Protection and a background in International Crime. We discuss topics such as the pathway from education to qualification as a barrister, the practical implications of being a barrister or legal professional with a disability and the challenges faced throughout the process of education, qualification and career. We also talk about attitudes to disability in the legal profession and encourage disabled people to lean on their skills, not shy away and not feel inadequate or incapable because of their disability. We both also invite any budding lawyer/students who want some advice to contact us so please do reach out. Tune in for this and future episodes talking to some amazing people about some powerful topics.

  • DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 4 - Alice Hargreaves - CEO at SIC

    DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 4 - Alice Hargreaves - CEO at SIC

    FOURTH EPISODE of my new podcast on DisabilityPlatform. I talk to Alice Hargreaves - CEO at SIC , an organisation that supports both businesses and disabled individuals. We discuss how businesses can promote and implement adjustments and other accessibility changes to assist disbaled people in achieving their full potential. We also touch on employer's attitudes to disability and how this can impact on disabled people's desire to work at a particular company. SIC also has many useful tools for disbaled people, such as the SIC Learning Hub, which offers a range of free support to disabled and neurodivergent professionals. Tune in for this and future episodes talking to some amazing people about some powerful topics.

  • DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 3 - Matthew Bellringer - Neurodiversity and Innovation Specialist

    DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 3 - Matthew Bellringer - Neurodiversity and Innovation Specialist

    THIRD EPISODE of my new podcast on DisabilityPlatform. I talk to Matthew Bellringer - Neurodiversity and Innovation Specialist about his epxeriences of disability and neurovdiversity in the IT profession and wider society. We discuss accessibility and attitudes to the sometimes tricky topic of invisible disability. Lots of interseting points raised with specific hihglighting of how neurodiverse individuals can interpret and analyse things from angles that others may not even fathom. This different skillset can be a huge benefit to organisations from a diversity and business viewpoint. Tune in for this and future episodes talking to some amazing people about some powerful topics.

  • DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 2 - Emma Best - Deputy Leader of City Hall Conservatives

    DisabilityPlatform podcast Episode 2 - Emma Best - Deputy Leader of City Hall Conservatives

    SECOND EPISODE of my new podcast on DisabilityPlatform. I talk to Emma Best - Deputy Leader of City Hall Conservatives and Leader of Waltham Forest Conservatives about disability in Politics. We discuss accessibility and attitudes both at City Hall and in the wider political sphere. Lots of fascinating topics raised and delved into so definitely worth a watch. Tune in for this and future episodes talking to some amazing people about some powerful topics.