Darkly Splendid Abodes

di Darren White

The official podcast of Toronto Thelema, exploring the occult writings of Aleister Crowley and various other authors, and the Thelemic system of Magick, mysticism and philosophy.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 4

  • Deep Dip: Hume's 'Enquiry Into Human Understanding'

    Deep Dip: Hume's 'Enquiry Into Human Understanding'

    To quote Crowley: “Hume said that causal connexion was not merely unprovable, but unthinkable; and, in shallower waters still, one cannot assign a true reason why water should flow down hill, or sugar taste sweet in the mouth.” We’ll take our first Deep Dive into David Hume’s ‘Enquiry into Human Understanding’ to learn more about his take on causal connection.

  • The Angel's 'Language,' with Edward Mason

    The Angel's 'Language,' with Edward Mason

    The Holy Guardian Angel usually begins to speak with us long before Knowledge & Conversation is attained, but this speech is often fleeting, taking the form of subtle signs, hints and experiences meaningful only to ourselves. Edward Mason and I will discuss this elusive mode of communication and interaction.

  • Deep Dip: Energized Enthusiasm

    Deep Dip: Energized Enthusiasm

    In his essay ‘Energized Enthusiasm,’ Crowley posits how the divine creative energy can be tapped into, as a source of power which he calls “genius.” We’ll delve into this elementary treatise on his theory and practice of sex Magick, as we kick off Season 4 of Darkly Splendid Abodes.

  • Stagione 3

  • The Infinite Unknown, with Edward Mason (Season Finale)

    The Infinite Unknown, with Edward Mason (Season Finale)

    The Book of the Law proclaims: “Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite & unknown”. What is this “infinite & unknown” factor? And how does it undermine the faculty of reason? Edward Mason and I will discuss this apparently ineffable concept, as we skirt the pit of because and flirt with the dogs of reason, in this, the final episode of our third season.

  • Deep Dip: Check-in 3

    Deep Dip: Check-in 3

    As we bring Season 3 to a close, Michael and I will once again reflect on our favourite episodes, as well as what we foresee for Season 4, in what’s fast become the least-listened-to episode of every season: the Check-in episode.