Workers or Freelancers? Organising against Informality in Indonesia’s Media and Creative Industry

Continent of Resistance di Kriangsak Teera-Hong & Kevin Lin

Note sull'episodio
In Asia, bright and artistic young people have pursued their passion in the media and creative industry as journalists, theater workers and musicians. Despite the space such work affords for their creativity, these are also some of the most precarious and insecure jobs, with many working from one short-term contract to the next. One union in Indonesia, SINDIKASI (the Media and Creative Industry Workers' Union for Democracy), has taken upon itself to organise these young freelancers across the industry. In this episode, we spoke with Nura Aini, the chairwoman of SINDIKASI, from Jakarta, Indonesia.Nura, a former journalist herself, shared with us her journey into labor organising, driven by a goal to address the issues faced by workers in the media and creative industry. She shed light on SINDIKASI’s unique approach in organising workers across workpl ...   ...  Leggi dettagli
Parole chiave
youthfreelancersmedia and creative industryinformalityindonesia