Note sull'episodio

Our guest for this episode of College & Career Readiness Radio is Cyekeia Lee.

Cyekeia starts by explaining the work she does in 58 high schools with the Detroit College Access Network (DCAN). She wants to ensure that “despite zip codes, students get what they need.”

DCAN does professional learning with school counselors so that they’re aware of opportunities for access to college and universities for their students.

Cyekeia emphasizes the fact that school counselors are often pressed for time and their focus is not always on college and career readiness, which is why DCAN is working to equip them with the tips and tools to maximize their effectiveness.

Cyekeia talked about FAFSA completion and s ... 

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MaiaLearning CollegeReadinessCollegePlanningCarreerReadinessCareerReadinessCollegeAdmissionsSchoolCounselorsSchoolLeadershipSchoolLeadersStudentsNCANDCAN