Career Counseling in K-12 Education with Dr. Sharon Pepukayi & Robin Werner

College & Career Readiness Radio di T.J. Vari

Note sull'episodio

Our guests for this episode are Dr. Sharon Pepukayi, Superintendent of Talbot County Public Schools (TCPS) in Maryland, and Robin Werner, Director of Teaching and Learning in TCPS.

Robin tells us about a career counseling initiative in Maryland and Talbot’s unique response.

The Talbot plan for career counseling is innovative and inspiring; listeners who are interested in implementing a career counseling model in 6-12 schools will enjoy this conversation.

Sharon provides a big picture vision of student achievement as it relates to their career counseling initiative.

Pay close attention to the other aspect of counseling in general that Robin shares.

Listen to their approach to professional learning for the people implementing the initiative.

Robin is taking a team to

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