Walk in the Dark

Cold Case MHS: Monsters and Demons di Randy Hubbard

Note sull'episodio

On February 14, 2000, eight year old Asha Degree packs a small bookbag and leaves her home to take a walk in the dark ....NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. Nick and Alexis take you through that night and the investigation that followed the disappearance of "Shelby's Sweetheart". In this episode you will hear the emotions felt by Asha's parents and the detective that has worked her case for years. You will hear the heartfelt story of a race car driver that was so moved by the problem of missing children and how he tried to help by putting their pictures on his race car.

Important Contact information:

Detective Tim Adams Cleveland County, SC Sheriff's office (704) 484-4822


Twitter: @MHSColdCase



Music By Purple P ... 

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Parole chiave
asha degree