Ep.46: Bimbo Dragon Fighting Society

Chaos Magick News di Chaos Magick News

Note sull'episodio

This week we're joined by our favorite writer/martial artist, T.S. Brookehouse returns! We all decide that we're going full bimbo this week, so we stop thinking entirely so we roll into a discussion of Intercessory entities like Angels, Saints and Spirits that some how leads us into Cohost's saga with the Cat Distribution Network and if demons are autism coded. After that, we go over the shooting of the United Healthcare CEO, Biden pardoning his son, and South Korea's president declaring Marital Law only to have the opposition jump barricades to stop him. Finally, we reveal the ancient wisdom of the East, as made up by mostly white guys and conmen to get your money: We have a fun romp through Martial artists claiming to have magic powers, such a George Dillman who can knock you out with his chi powers as long as you don't move your toes, and the  ... 

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