Note sull'episodio

This week we don't have time for anything and things keeps going wrong, so obviously we're blaming astrology. But first, we talk about Prayer, how useful it is in chaos magick, why some chaotes don't like asking god(s) for stuff, and whether or not it's appropriate to call Aries to help you lower your cholesterol. Then we have a jammed pack news segment; Conspiracy theorist sets himself on fire outside the Trump trial, a religious nut throws a pipe bomb at the Temple of Satan and leaves a 6 page note, a security guard hags up his own art in a museum and Vietnam sentences a real estate mogul to death for bank fraud. Then we round out the episode with a quick dive into everyone's favorite excuse for sending their ex a sad and horny DM, Mercury Retrograde. Mostly, we wonder if it's popularity is because we live in an increasingly communication and t ... 

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chaos magickchaos magick newsoccultoccult podcasttrumpsatanismsatanic templepeter thielfireMax AzzarellovietnamTruong My Lanartclarence thomassatangodsprayerconspiracymercury retrogradetaylor swiftfraudoc