Ep.37: Crybaby Thelema Hours w/Coco Makhno

Chaos Magick News di Chaos Magick News

Note sull'episodio

WARNING: Two differing trickster type entities were invoked before the recording of this podcast, and it shows! In our longest episode to date, our hosts are joined by friend of the show and occult artist Coco Makhno to talk about the theories and practices of Aleister Crowley and Thelema, and why Chaos Magicians might be interested in them, and we all talk about our first experiences with Crowley. In a jam packed news segment we talk about Mothman and the Baltimore Bridge accident(or as Cohost calls it, Biden's new infrastructure plan), the book bound in human skin that was unbound at Harvard, Diddy definitely being a Satanic Illuminati and not a guy with way too much money, and Sam Bankman Fried getting chewed on by rats. AND THEN in a mammoth of a culture piece, we tackle the complex, perplexing and genuinely fascinating history of Thelema, th ... 

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