
CMN Interviews: Star Club and The Narrative with Sef Salem

Chaos Magick News di Chaos Magick News

Note sull'episodio

Warning: The Following episode talks about sexual assault.

In the return of our beloved interview series, Kennedy sits down with occultist, organizer, educator and former OTO pariah, Sef Salem. Sef sits down to talk to us about the Visible College, a UK based group that has been facilitating occult events for years, the return of the International Thelemic Symposium along side The Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society, his syncretic Star Club project, what the hell Neuro Gnosticism means, and which neurodivergence matches your occult order. Sef was also the man accused by Georgia Van Raatle of sexual assault in 2018, an event that sent shock waves through not only the OTO but the entire occult world. Sef talks to us about Georgia's recanting last year, and his thoughts on the discourse then and the narrative today, and hopes for the futu ... 

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