Note sull'episodio
This week we are all about that Voodoo that you do. Or rather, that voodoo you will be doing after we get you on board with our new, long held tradition of Minnesota Voodoo. After that we do a quick Banish with Laughter and talk Bad Masonic conspiracies and the "real eyes realize real lies" school of language analysis, before rolling onto a news segment where we tell you all the news they think you should care about is pointless and scratch our heads about python smuggling. Then we go onto the meat of this episode; We talk about the Order of Nine Angles, the Nazi Satanic order of unhinged try hards. We talk about he history of their founder, Anton Long, who definitely isn't notable White Nationalist and Radical Islamist David Myatt, list off the many failures and attempts of violence by those influenced by it, and a little bit of what occult beli ...
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