Chant School

di Floriani

Love Gregorian Chant but can't sing it? The Chant School podcast is designed to help you sing the ancient chants of the Church with ease. In the Chant School, you will learn the most ancient melodies and texts in the Christian tradition. St. Hugh of Cluny once spoke of how the learning, practicing, and singing of Gregorian chant is a sure way to grow in holiness, in closeness to the Word, and in submission to the discipline  ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Aurea Luce et Decor | Hymn to the Princes of the Apostles

    Aurea Luce et Decor | Hymn to the Princes of the Apostles

    Link to Music 1. O light of dawn, O rosy glow, O Light from Light, all ages show Your beauty, and the martyrs fame, That gain us pardon from our blame. 2. The heavens' porter, and earth’s sage,The world’s bright lights who judge the age. One wins by cross, and one by sword, And life on high is their reward. 3. These are your princes, happy Rome! Their precious blood clothes you, their home. We praise not you, but praise their worth, Beyond all beauty of the earth. 4. Kind Shepherd, Peter, unto thee was given The keys to close and ope the gates of heaven; Strike from our souls the galling chain of crime, And gain the grace for which our hearts have striven. 5. O learned Paul, inspire us from above With all the graces of the Heavenly Dove; Bring us the faith to see the truth of God, And brighten earth with the sweet reign of love. 6. One love, one faith, twin olive trees, One great strong hope filled both of these. Full fonts, in your matched charity,Pray that we may in heaven be. 7. Give glory to the Trinity And honor to the Unity, And joy and pow’r, for their reign stays Today and through all endless days.

  • Aeterni Christi Munera | The Victory of the Martyrs

    Aeterni Christi Munera | The Victory of the Martyrs

    Link to Music ‘Let us sing with joyful hearts And bearing the praise which we owe Of eternal gifts of Christ And the victories of the martyrs Princes of the churches, [5] triumphal leaders of the war, soldiers of the heavenly court, and true lights of the world, After the terrors of the world are conquered, And the punishment of the body scorned, [10] They take hold of the blessed light Through a direct path: holy death. Martyrs are handed over to the flames, and to the teeth of beasts; the frenzied executioner’s hand [15] armed with claws rages at them. Their exposed entrails hang, their holy blood pours out, but they remain unmoving by the grace of eternal life. [20] The devoted faith of the saints, the unconquered hope of believers, the perfect charity of Christ conquers the prince of the world. In them is the Father’s glory, [25] in them is the desire of the Spirit, in them the Son exults, heaven is filled with joy. Now we beg you, Redeemer, that you join your praying servants [30] in a fellowship of martyrdom, Forever and ever.’

  • Quem Terra Pontus Aethera and O Gloriosa Domina | St. Anthony of Padua's Favorite Hymn!

    Quem Terra Pontus Aethera and O Gloriosa Domina | St. Anthony of Padua's Favorite Hymn!

    Link to Music - Quem Terra Link to Music - O Gloriosa Domina The God whom earth, and sea, and sky adore, and laud, and magnify, who o'er their threefold fabric reigns, the Virgin's spotless womb contains. The God whose will by moon, and sun, and all things in due course is done, is borne upon a Maiden's breast, by fullest heavenly grace possessed. How blest that Mother, in whose shrine the great Artificer Divine, whose hand contains the earth and sky, vouchsafed, as in His ark, to lie. Blest, in the message Gabriel brought; blest, by the work the Spirit wrought; from whom the great Desire of earth took human flesh and human birth. All honour, laud, and glory be, O Jesu, Virgin-born, to Thee, whom with the Father we adore, and Holy Ghost for evermore. Amen. O Heaven's glorious mistress, elevated above the stars, thou feedest with thy sacred breast him who created thee. What miserable Eve lost thy dear offspring to man restores, the way to glory is open to the wretched for thou has become the Gate of Heaven. Thou art the door of the High King, the gate of shining light. Life is given through a Virgin: Rejoice, ye redeemed nations. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, Born of a Virgin, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

  • En Ut Superba Criminum | Our Sins Have Pierced the Sacred Heart

    En Ut Superba Criminum | Our Sins Have Pierced the Sacred Heart

    Link to Music Lo, how the savage crew Of our proud sins hath rent The Heart of our all-gracious God, That Heart so innocent. The soldier’s quivering lance Our guilt it was that drave, Our wicked deeds that to its point Such cruel sharpness gave. O wounded Heart, whence sprang The Church, the Saviour’s bride; Thou Door of our Salvation’s Ark Set in its mystic side. Thou holy fount, whence flows The sacred sevenfold flood. Where we our filthy roles may cleanse In the Lamb’s saving Blood: By sorrowful relapse, Thee will we rend no more; But like the flames, those types of love, Strive heavenward to soar. Father and Son supreme And Spirit, hear our cry; Whose is the kingdom, praise and power, Through all eternity.

  • Anima Christi | Soul of Christ, Sanctify Me!

    Anima Christi | Soul of Christ, Sanctify Me!

    Link to Music Sanctify me wholly, Soul of Christ adored; Be my sure Salvation, Body of the Lord: Fill and satisfy me, O Thou Blood unpriced: Wash me, Sacred Water, from the side of Christ. Passion of my Saviour, be my strength in need: Good and gracious Jesus, to my prayer give heed: In Thy Wounds most precious let me refuge find: All the power malignant of the foeman bind: At death’s final hour, call me to Thy face: Bid me stand beside Thee in the heavenly place: There with Saints and Angels I shall sing to Thee Through the countless ages of eternity.