An emergency C-section at 30 weeks; Jess shares her journey with Casey through NICU to now.

Bump to Mum di Emma Coxhead

Note sull'episodio

Hello Mama's,

This episode is one that has been requested for a long time and I know there are a lot of Mama's out there that will resonate with this journey.

At 30 weeks pregnant after a very smooth pregnancy, Jess experienced some bleeding in the evening and within 2 hours her baby boy Casey was born by a emergency c-section. Jess shares with us her families journey, we cover:

  • what was going through her mind as she came to terms with the fact her baby was going to be born at 30 weeks
  • what the cause of Casey being born so early was
  • what happened in the moments after he was born
  • how they shifted their mindset and stayed positive in the really hard times like having to leave Casey in the hospital and go home
  • their feeding journey from tube feeding to mouth feeding to breast & bottle feedin ... 
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Parole chiave
caesareanbreastfeedingbottle feedingnicuemergencyplacental abruptionprematuretub feeding