
Heartsong by S.E. Wendel

Bonded Books Podcast di Rachel & Cara

Note sull'episodio

San Francisco, Present day

A gargoyle warrior unprepared for the modern world…

Fifteen hundred years ago, Frey and all his kind were cursed by the vicious fae queen, their magick stolen and their bodies rendered stone. It has been a hellish existence, frozen in time as the world changes around them. A proud warrior ready for a mate, Frey rages against his stone prison, but with every year that passes, hope slips away that the curse will ever be broken.

That is, until he and some of his kin are placed in an odd little museum. And she walks through the door.

A modern woman not ready for a medieval male…

Anna Kincaid has just gotten back on her feet. After struggling with student debt, chronic migraines, a serial-dater mother, and Bay Area rent for years, she’s finally landed a job that will help with all of it. It feel ... 

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