BB45: Creating Liberty with Matt Erickson and LB Muñiz

Blackbird with James Jenneman di James Jenneman

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Creating Liberty with Matt Erickson and LB Muñiz

You remember LB’s recent appearance on the show, right? We talked a little bit about Matt Erickson’s appearance on Liberty Lockdown. In case you missed it, here’s a recap: Matt, critical of political solutions to problems libertarians focus on, said something along the lines of, if you hate taxes, what you really hate is not having as much money as you otherwise could have. So the solution isn’t to shout “Taxation is theft” into the void. It’s to make enough money that taxes are irrelevant. I think that’s a fair summary.

LB kinda liked that take. I kinda didn’t. Matt thought we should expand on it. After a really fruitful  ... 
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