Note sull'episodio
There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuum created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history, that pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing.
Esther was such a "hinge of history" woman. Born an orphan Jew in pagan Persia, without father and mother, adopted by Mordecai, taken because of her beauty into an evil king's harem, appointed by the unseen dancing hand of Providence into a queenly place of authority, and, in a three-day fast and one do-or-die decision, saved her people from destruction.
Lou Engle is calling for a million Esthers and Mordecais to gather at The Mall in Washington D.C. on October 1 ...
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