The BA Market (feat. Michelle Shakesheff & Jamie Toyne)

BA Brew - A Business Analysis Podcast di AssistKD

Note sull'episodio

Do we need a rebrand of the business analyst role? Experts in the field Debra Paul, Jamie Toyne and Michelle Shakesheff put their heads together to discuss the current BA market, and the ongoing implications for BAs.

Topic discussed include: the current demand for BAs; recruitment challenges; the need for a broad BA skillset; rebranding the BA role; changing the narrative; role clarity; the need for BAs to keep learning; and more!

If you enjoyed this BA Brew, you may find the following resources of interest.


Filling the Business Analysis Skills Gap

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business analysisassistkdbusiness changeseason finalelearningitinformation technologybusinesscommunitychange managementbusiness analystba skillsbusiness training