In which Rachel and Lauren discuss the various aspects of their friendship. Often with guests. Try the veal
Episodi del podcast
Stagione 5
ABTTG Film Club: Dunkirk (2017) Film Club: discussing the final decade of our 10 year jump challenge and the rise of streaming platforms, Dunkirk, and what we would name our boat. We also take a look back on the full year of 2024's Film Club and reflect on what we've noticed, learned, and gained.
And the Award Goes To...(2024 Retrospective in Films)
Stagione 4
ABTTG Film Club: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
This is Film Club: discussing the leap in technological advancements from 1997 to 2007, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, and which invisible visitor we'd like to come see us in a hospital. Make sure to watch and review Dunkirk (2017), the last film of Film Club 2024!