7 Key Factors To Develop Your Combat Mind-Set

Warrior Life - Tactical Firearms | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat por Jeff Anderson

Notas del episodio
If you're following any kind of a prepping path, I'm sure at some point you've heard of the need to develop a "survival mindset". And I know that term has a LOT of different meanings attached to it, all of them basically coming down to the principles of "NEVER give up" and "do whatever it takes to stay alive". But have you ever really thought about EXACTLY what that means? Because the survival mindset has a second factor to it, that's actually a LOT harder to process, and for MOST people, also a lot harder to develop. I'm talking about your "COMBAT mindset" - and in this week's episode, I'm going to explain to you WHAT that is... WHY you need it... and also share some tips on how to DEVELOP it, EVEN if you don't consider yourself to be an "aggressive" person or someone who even wants to THINK about "combat" in any way, shape or form.
Palabras clave
SurvivalUrban SurvivalCombatpreppingcombat mindsetsurvival mindsetstay alivenever give upaggressiveself defenseclose quarters combattactical firearms