God is born, the Delivering One. December 15, 2024.

Kuna United Methodist Church Sermons por Kuna United Methodist Church

Notas del episodio

The people of Israel never learned. Despite God saving them multiple times and leading them to the promised land, they refused to depend on God. They worshipped idols, they stopped keeping the Sabbath, and they stopped obeying God.

To address the problem, God tried raising judges. God also tried sending prophets. The people of Israel refused to break the sin cycle themselves, so God decided on a face-to-face approach. Instead of using phenomenal powers, God took on the form of a human baby.

God could’ve destroyed all of the idols and forced us into being obedient. So why did God choose a humble way to deliver us from our sin? God didn’t want to take away the free will that lets us experience the joy of choosing God.

Our free will is precious to God, and so is our love. Pastor Mia reminds us that we bring joy to God in many way ... 

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