So you’re jumping into podcasting, and maybe you’ve already recorded your first podcast episode. Maybe not. Either way, it’s safe to say you want an audience. An audience who becomes die-hard fans is even better.
So what do you do to make sure that happens?
Create Episodes that Sounds Great
First things first, make sure your episode has good sound quality, is edited well, has a great intro, and is interesting. Also, your artwork should be professional with your name clearly visible.
Get Reviews
If you’re confident that your episode sounds great, and that you’re branding is on point, it’s time to promote it like crazy. Getting reviews is a wonderful way to build credibility, and get the word out about your show.
Start by asking people you know to listen to your show and review. Send personal emails to a few people who you know listen to podcasts, and ask them to review your episode.

Think About the Headline
Think about what will attract someone enough to want to click play on your podcast episode. Consider magazine and blog headlines. What makes you want to read more? Use that same thought process when you make the title and description of your episode.
Publish More Than One Episode
Keep the momentum going, and publish multiple episodes. That way, you’ll have a lot to offer, and people will want to click subscribe so they can hear more from you.
Publishing more than one episode at the beginning is also a good idea because it can help with your ranking. The more downloads that occur, the better your ranking will be. If you launch your podcast with several episodes, that will mean people will download more from you than if you only launch with one episode.
Be Consistent
Create a schedule, and work several weeks ahead. This will help you to produce consistent content so that your listeners will stick around. It’s easy to start with a lot of momentum and then lose steam.
So set yourself up with a content calendar that takes you several months into the future. And then release new podcasts at a consistent time — whether that’s every Tuesday or every other day.

Promote Using Other Channels
Podcasting is getting more and more popular, but that doesn’t mean your listeners are glued to their earbuds all the time. It’s easy to forget about a podcast, even if you love it. That’s why it’s important to use other channels to stay connected to your audience.
Create social media profiles, offer a product on your website, add your podcast to YouTube, and start building an email list for eblasts and newsletters.

Be a Guest
Ask to be a guest on other podcasts that relate to yours. Don’t be discouraged if you get turned down; high-profile podcasters have busy schedules. But you may get one or two to agree, and that can boost your audience significantly.
Be open to learning, and don’t be afraid to delete and re-record your first episodes. Podcasting is a process, and you will get better as you go.