Unfiltered Extra

di Unfiltered Media

The Unfiltered Extra podcast with host Joe Warner is where inquisitive minds go to meet the most respected, decorated and controversial experts in health, fitness, nutrition and performance to get the life-changing advice they need to #LiveSmarter. Visit unfilteredonline.com for more.

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  • James Brown: The Muhdo co-founder on how your genes determine how you should eat, train and recover

    James Brown: The Muhdo co-founder on how your genes determine how you should eat, train and recover

    Scroll through social media for any length of time and it’s impossible not to notice the intense tribalism around all things nutrition. The followers of different dietary approaches, be it vegan, keto or carnivore to name some of the most vocal and animated tribes, are engaged in relentless promotion of their chosen nutritional path and constant criticism of anything or anyone that deviates even slightly from it. Open dialogue is absent. Polarisation is rife. James Brown, co-founder and nutrigenomics director of DNA testing company and personalised health, fitness and wellness information provider Mudho, who has been immersed in the nutrition industry for more than two decades, explains why we’re seeing a dramatic rise in anger around both diet and lifestyle choices, and why an escalation in these conflicts will continue to hurt the health and wellbeing of those involved, and damage on-going efforts to provide clear and actionable healthy-eating advice to a confused and desperate general population. Brown also reveals how genetic variations in an individual can affect nutrient absorption, stressing the importance of nutrigenetic testing to tailor individual dietary needs. This, he explains, can account for why some people thrive on extreme or very restrictive nutritional approaches, such as the Carnivore diet, which has a very vocal and passionate following with advocates claiming it has cured many health problems traditional medical interventions failed to address, while other people with a different genetic make-up or gut microbiome may suffer ill-health directly following this diet. Discussing technological advancements and their potential impact on the health and wellbeing conversation, Brown backs the transformative potential of AI in personal health management, and predicts a future where AI coaches provide real-time health recommendations based on comprehensive data analysis. Brown also stresses the need for accurate, bioavailable supplements and criticises the current supplement market for its inconsistent health claims and poor product ingredients. Visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ or get in touch! Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Dr Alyssa Olenick: The ultra runner and powerlifter on how you can get faster and stronger at the same time

    Dr Alyssa Olenick: The ultra runner and powerlifter on how you can get faster and stronger at the same time

    The fitness industry loves to declare one method as "the best" way to achieve specific goals. Spend any time on social media, and you'll quickly encounter phrases like "this is the best way to lose fat" or "this is the only way to build muscle." For years, we've been told that it's nearly impossible to train for multiple fitness goals at once. The most common myth? "You can't build bigger muscles and train to run faster simultaneously." This kind of thinking forces people into a single choice - or worse, leads them to do nothing at all. But the truth, like many things in life, isn't so black and white. Just ask renowned exercise physiologist Dr Alyssa Olenick, who isn’t your typical white-coated lab rat but a serious athletic performance powerhouse competing as both an ultra-marathon runner and an accomplished powerlifter. In our Unfiltered conversation, Dr Olenick shatters these long-standing training myths with science-backed advice, showing you how to build muscle size, strength and power whilst also improving your cardiovascular health, function and performance at the same time. Whether you’re looking to get stronger, run or ride faster, or just improve your overall health and wellbeing, she has cracked the code to fast-track your results. Dr Olenick also delves into the most important training protocols for women of all ages, including those navigating peri-menopause and post-menopause. She explains why weightlifting should feature in all women’s workout plans for the crucial role of strength and resistance training plays in maintaining lean muscle mass, managing weight, improving metabolic health, supporting bone density and more. Her advice isn’t just about working out and how to train smarter; it’s about building a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that empowers you at any stage of life - for the rest of your life. Visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ or get in touch! Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Georgie Spurling: The wellness entrepreneur on how to turn trauma into your superpower for success

    Georgie Spurling: The wellness entrepreneur on how to turn trauma into your superpower for success

    Childhood trauma can take a lifetime to overcome but understanding and accepting even just some small part of it can be converted into a superpower of drive and determination to never let a single second slip by without wringing every last drop of opportunity from it. That’s the message Georgie Spurling, founder and CEO of wellness company ARVRA, wants to share. Born with an extremely rare heart condition, Georgie spent the majority of her childhood in and out of hospital. At just four years old she was told by doctors that her heart would never recover and warned her off all the fun physical activities kids crave. She was even told she’d never be able to exercise, even once she was fully grown. So Georgie was forced to sit on the sidelines, wrapped in cotton wool, watching her friends and family run, play and jump with the profound sense of longing and sadness that can only come when you’re the sole person excluded from something everyone else is enjoying. But then came the point she refused to sit still any longer. As a tenacious teenager acutely aware of the myriad physical and mental health benefits she was missing out on – and desperate to break the cycle of depression and “very dark moments” she was stuck in – she decided to act. Against the advice of her team of doctors and other medical specialists, Georgie took up dance and performance – on the one condition she regularly attended Kings College London to monitor the health of her heart. Defying her doctors and disproving the medical advice given to patients like her at the time, Georgie’s heart became stronger. Not satisfied with simply helping herself improve her mental health and physical fitness, she turned her laser-like focus towards how she could help others. Switching her love of the stage for a passion of understanding how the human body works, and the strong connection between the body and mind, she qualified as a personal trainer and prioritised working with people suffering from stress, trauma and chronic illnesses. To expedite their progress she established a low-impact training techniques that clients loved, so she made her methods available to the masses, and ARVRA was born. In our exclusive Unfiltered conversation, Georgie reveals how she overcame the odds to build a growing health and fitness business, and reveals the tactics and techniques she successfully deployed to come to terms with, accept, and then move on from her trauma. Visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ or get in touch! Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Lee Boyce: The strength coach on how to understand your unique body shape to stay fit and healthy for life

    Lee Boyce: The strength coach on how to understand your unique body shape to stay fit and healthy for life

    Have you ever wondered why you seem to just instinctively prefer one lift over another, or why your bench press seems to improve so much more easily than your deadlift? Or even why some lifts seem to hurt, no matter how much you warm up, while others feel great. Well, this interview will answer your questions. Lee Boyce, one of the fitness industry's most respected voices, explains how understanding your body’s proportions – things like height and limb length – can revolutionise your training, minimising your pain and maximising your gains. With a career including almost 20 years of gym floor experience, and as the co-author of the leading text on the subject of anthropometry, Boyce has not only transformed countless lives through his coaching but has also significantly impacted the industry through his prolific writing and educational endeavours. Boyce's approach to individualised training is a testament to both the depth of his knowledge and his practical experience. In a world dominated by one-size-fits-all solutions and cookie-cutter programmes, Boyce emphasises the importance of tailored training programmes that account for the unique needs and goals of each client. He shares insights into how he assesses clients and designs personalised plans that not only enhance performance but also prevent injuries and promote long-term health. A significant part of Boyce's unique expertise lies in anthropometry: the study of human body measurements. He co-authored the leading reference book "Strength Training for All Body Types: The Science of Lifting and Levers", which explains how understanding individual body proportions can optimise training. This book has been hailed as a game-changer in the fitness industry, providing a comprehensive guide to tailoring exercises based on one's unique body structure. From his days as a university-level sprinter and long jumper to becoming a leading member of the fitness industry, Boyce’s story is one of passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. He reflects on how he’s improved his approach with clients over the years, and on how a major injury actually helped him become a better coach. Outside academia Boyce has been published over 1300 times in leading fitness and lifestyle publications, including for example Men's Health, T-Nation and The Wall Street Journal. He credits this ability to translate complex and often esoteric concepts into digestible and actionable advice as one of the main reasons he’s had such success as a trainer. Boyce’s role as an educator extends beyond his writing. As a part-time professor at Humber College, he challenges students to think critically and prevents them from making many of the most common mistakes those new to the fitness industry often make. Boyce also addresses what he believes makes a great personal trainer, offering his perspective on the essential qualities and skills that distinguish exceptional trainers from the rest. His insights are invaluable for anyone aspiring to excel in the fitness industry. Visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ or get in touch! Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra

  • Josh Bryant: The legendary coach on how to build real-world strength and resilience

    Josh Bryant: The legendary coach on how to build real-world strength and resilience

    Do you want to be ready to overcome any challenge, anywhere and at any time? Then you need to listen to Josh Bryant, the legendary strength coach and bestselling author of more than 30 books on every aspect of strength, training and optimal performance. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, Bryant has advice that will change the way you train for the better. Bryant breaks down the #GasStationReady (and related #WaffleHouseReady) concept in detail – a philosophy that emphasises being ready to handle any challenge life throws your way. Sometimes - in some situations - just having the look is enough to meet the challenge, but this concept goes far beyond simply looking a certain way. It's about functional strength, endurance and resilience. Imagine being able to lift heavy, run fast, and maintain performance for long periods of time, making you confident in tackling any physical task at a moment's notice, even when you're at the gas station or in a restaurant. Bryant's approach blends his academic theoretical knowledge with decades of "in the trenches" experience with some of the strongest and most impressive athletes on the planet. His methods have also been forged and tested in many of the toughest, most unforgiving environments like maximum security prisons and the famous Metroflex gym in Texas, home of bodybuilding legends like Ronnie Coleman and Branch Warren. As an athlete himself - he won the Strongest Man in America competition and became the youngest person to bench press 600lbs (273kg or 6 plates a side) raw - Bryant knows the importance of real-world applicability. What is perhaps even more impressive is his record as a coach: he has guided more than twenty athletes to hit this herculean bench press milestone. His Jailhouse Strong methods are also famously adaptable, and have transformed the lives of countless individuals by helping them achieve functional strength and mental toughness. But prodigious strength is not enough for Bryant; the ultimate state of physical preparedness requires a significant conditioning element too. One piece of this puzzle can be addressed by rucking, which recently seems to have exploded in popularity. Bryant also – quite literally – wrote the book on rucking years before it became mainstream, and was the key figure in popularising it outside military circles. At the other end of the intensity spectrum we find sprints, another thing Bryant knows a thing or two about. If you're looking to boost your explosive power and cardiovascular fitness, hill sprints are a game-changer. Learn how to use sprints safely to supercharge your overall athletic performance with his step-by-step guide on how to incorporate them into your training programme. Whether you're aiming to enhance your athletic performance, build a resilient body, or simply stay fit and healthy, don't miss our exclusive Unfiltered conversation from one of the greatest strength coaches on the planet. Visit https://unfilteredonline.com/ or get in touch! Email: editorial@unfilteredonline.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12ow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extra Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra