Toxic Workplace

di Carleigh J. M.

This podcast was created to give employees a voice; the voice that management wouldn't listen to because of deep rooted company politics, misuse of power, or a lack of leadership. This show gives a platform to the employee that was never allowed a last word, or who's words had no value to management. Toxic Workplace is not just a collection of stories; it's a movement towards awareness of how dysfunctional patterns of behavi ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Bamboozled by a Phony: Jay's Toxic Workplace Story of Unmasking a Narcissistic Boss

    Bamboozled by a Phony: Jay's Toxic Workplace Story of Unmasking a Narcissistic Boss

    After getting laid off by a large tech company as a recruiter, Jay was in search of a new job. In the midst of his job search, Jay is contacted by Hoss, a former colleague who presents him with a promising new opportunity. Initially relieved and optimistic, Jay starts working alongside Hoss but soon begins to notice inconsistencies and troubling behavior. As the layers peel back, Jay uncovers the truth about Hoss’s narcissistic tendencies and manipulative nature, realizing that the opportunity might not be as golden as it seemed. Tune in to hear Jay’s journey of disillusionment and the lessons he learned about trust and the corporate world of narcissism. *****Do you have a toxic workplace story to share?*********** Go to and click on "Be a Guest." Your story will be shared anonymously. All names are changed to protect the employee and the company. Does listening to this podcast help you navigate your toxic workplace? Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You may also go to and leave a private review. Follow Toxic Workplace on Facebook, TikTok, X and Instagram @ToxicWorkplacePodcast Supporting articles: Lots of Companies Use Personality Tests for Hiring Decisions. Here’s Why That Can Backfire: The Dark Side of Personality Tests in Recruitment: What Employers Need to Know:

  • Revolving Door of Poor Leadership: Chelsea's Toxic Workplace Story of A Non-Profit School with No Direction

    Revolving Door of Poor Leadership: Chelsea's Toxic Workplace Story of A Non-Profit School with No Direction

    Chelsea is an educator who finds herself entrenched in a toxic workplace characterized by poor leadership and revolving door turnover. The organization is constantly undergoing new leadership which causes a lack of direction, misaligned roles, unchecked behavior, and nepotism, Chelsea grapples with frustration and confusion while juggling personal tribulations. However, her dedication to her family and unwavering work ethic kept her persevering through the storm. Ultimately, Chelsea emerged with a newfound perspective, prioritizing her well-being and aspirations over the toxicity of her workplace. *****Do you have a toxic workplace story to share?*********** Go to and click on "Be a Guest." Your story will be shared anonymously. All names are changed to protect the employee and the company. Does listening to this podcast help you navigate your toxic workplace? Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You may also go to and leave a private review. Follow Toxic Workplace on Facebook, TikTok, X and Instagram @ToxicWorkplacePodcast

  • Bullied to the Brink: Kylie's Toxic Workplace Story of a Bullying Manager

    Bullied to the Brink: Kylie's Toxic Workplace Story of a Bullying Manager

    Kylie lands a job at a large utility company, which starts on a positive note. She excels in her accounting role and earns praise from colleagues and supervisors. However, her experience takes a sharp downturn when she begins reporting to a bullying manager. Despite her persistent dedication, Kylie faces numerous obstacles, including being denied necessary overtime, burdened with increasing workloads, and subjected to unfounded accusations of poor performance. Additionally, opportunities for professional advancement within the company are consistently withheld from Kylie, leaving her feeling trapped and undervalued. Through Kylie's narrative, this episode highlights the destructive effects** of workplace bullying and underscores the pressing need for systemic changes to cultivate healthier work environments. ***Please note, this episode discusses suicide. Do you have a toxic workplace story to share? Go to and click on "Be a Guest." Your story will be shared anonymously. All names are changed to protect the employee and the company. Does listening to this podcast help you navigate your toxic workplace? Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You may also go to and leave a private review. Follow Toxic Workplace on Facebook, TikTok, X and Instagram @ToxicWorkplacePodcast

  • Not All That Glitters Is Gold: Victoria's Toxic Workplace Story of Cheap Sales and a Sham Business

    Not All That Glitters Is Gold: Victoria's Toxic Workplace Story of Cheap Sales and a Sham Business

    Victoria is a dedicated real estate professional and busy mom who discovers a promising opportunity in real estate sales. Impressed by a wonderful interview experience, she eagerly joins the company, initially captivated by their seemingly excellent professionalism and integrity. However, as she begins her new role, Victoria becomes disillusioned when she realizes the company engages in cheap sales practices and the management fosters a toxic workplace culture. The initial excitement turns into disappointment as she grapples with the contrast between her expectations and the harsh reality of management's unethical business practices and toxic work environment. *****Do you have a toxic workplace story to share?*********** Go to and click on "Be a Guest." Your story will be shared anonymously. All names are changed to protect the employee and the company. Does listening to this podcast help you navigate your toxic workplace? Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You may also go to and leave a private review. Follow Toxic Workplace on Facebook, TikTok, X and Instagram @ToxicWorkplacePodcast

  • Faithful Facade: Haylee's Toxic Workplace Story of a Christian Non-Profit with Hidden Political Motives

    Faithful Facade: Haylee's Toxic Workplace Story of a Christian Non-Profit with Hidden Political Motives

    Haylee gets the opportunity to work with a trusted, long-time family friend, Jenna, in an exclusive Christian non-profit organization. Haylee is led to believe this non-profit is funding amazing projects that brings goodness into the world, but in reality they're funding political agendas. Haylee looks up to Jenna and believes she is going to gain professionalism and mentorship under her direction, but is quickly disappointed when she learns Jenna is a micromanager with a passive aggressive personality. Jenna starts to form the untrue narrative that Haylee doesn't respect her authority and is not well received by her colleagues. *****Do you have a toxic workplace story to share?*********** Go to and click on "Be a Guest." Your story will be shared anonymously. All names are changed to protect the employee and the company. Does listening to this podcast help you navigate your toxic workplace? Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You may also go to and leave a private review. Follow Toxic Workplace on Facebook, TikTok, X and Instagram @ToxicWorkplacePodcast