BenchTalk Ep14 Part 2: Surviving the Empty Nest - What Next

BenchTalk by Jackie Mitchell di BenchTalk with Jackie Mitchell

Note sull'episodio

Hey guys.... I'm coming clean in this episode and baring something I've been struggling with these past few months... The Empty Nest!! Who else can relate to the struggle? It's real!! My eldest son left for college last year, my daughter left for college this year, and my baby boy will be out of the house before I know it, so I understand exactly what it feels to be on the brink of that transition. I went on a journey to find out who else is going through what I'm going through at this stage because you know misery loves company! But instead, I found a lovely lady who has an amazing spin on what we're going through and is helping countless others understand and survive the Empty Nest. In this episode, I am pleased to be joined by the amazing lifestyle strategist, coach, and author LaChelle T. Parker. This episode is for the Empty-Nesters (or soon ... 

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