The Educated Athlete Podcast

por Trevor Short, PhD (c), CSCS

A show dedicated to empowering athletes and practitioners to perform at their best through education - I’m Coach T and I’m an Exercise Physiologist. If you want to elevate your game, take your fitness and sports performance to the next level, or become a better coach - this is the podcast for you - Let's learn!

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Nutrition Periodization, Ketone Esters, & More!

    Nutrition Periodization, Ketone Esters, & More!

    If you want to learn more about taking your performance to the next level via modern nutrition, this is the episode for you! Key Topics & Concepts: Ketone Esters Nootropics Substrates (Fats vs Carbs vs Protein) & their role in metabolism Nutritional periodization What's next in nutrition? With Michael Brandt, Co-founder & CEO of H.V.M.N. He's an avid triathlete and marathoner (2:42 PR). Prior to starting H.V.M.N., he received his BS in Computer Science & Design at Stanford, was a Product Manager at Google, and Adjunct Professor at the Academy of Art in SF. He has always been a leader, and lifelong student, of designing products for new and emerging needs.

  • FASTER. With Will Collins

    FASTER. With Will Collins

    Speed Kills - Learn about speed from world-class sprinting coach Will Collins. Key Topics: What is speed? Proper force application Developing speed - it's multidimensional Coach ==> Athlete Communication & Being a coachable athlete Identifying the limiting factor Will Collins from Fast Univerisity joins Trevor to riff on all things speed. Will is a world-class sprinting coach who has trained athletes ranging from elementary to the Olympics. All of his athletes have one thing in common - World-class SPEED. Will drops gems throughout the podcast. Let's Learn!

  • All Things Nutrition & Carb Cycling With Joe Hoye

    All Things Nutrition & Carb Cycling With Joe Hoye

    Joe & Trevor riff on all things nutrition: What Are Macros? Water Intake - Why is H20 so Important Phosphagen System Whole Foods - How Processed is this meal? How To Battle Temptations Undereating Calories - How much of a deficit is too much Why Eating Protein First is Good For Weight Loss Lastly - Carb Cycling. Why are carbohydrates so important, what role do they play in metabolism? Let's Learn! Want to Learn More About Hoye Fit? Sign up for The Hoye Fit 6 Week Challenge & Use code EDUCATED for 15% off Find out if the Hoye Fit program is a good fit for you

  • Specificity - Training With A Purpose

    Specificity - Training With A Purpose

    If you're an athlete looking to elevate your game - this podcast is for you! Lucas Miller - Director of Human Performance in the Navy & ex-Stanford Strength & Conditioning coach riffs on topics like training specificity, managing training loads, SMART goal setting, coach-athlete communication, and how to be an educated athlete. Let's Learn!

  • "Happy & Healthy" - Running Kinematics with Dr. Michael Garrison

    "Happy & Healthy" - Running Kinematics with Dr. Michael Garrison

    If you're an endurance athlete training for anything from a 5k - marathon - ultra-endurance event - this one is for you! Especially if you want to run FASTER! In this episode, we riff on all things endurances running, from best training practices to optimizing recovery. "There are only two ways to run faster, either take a bigger step or more of them" Running Speed = Stride Frequency x Stride Length Dr. Michael Garrison from the Hawaii Running Lab is widely recognized for his success in NCAA Cross Country Coaching. Michael has been a competitive runner for most of his life with over 10 marathon finishes and over 30 ultra-marathon finishes. You can learn more about the Hawaii Running Lab here. Let's Learn!