My MedicineExplícito

por Lizzie Bee

My diary in podcast format. Sharing my self love journey with you lovely listeners , and what has helped me along the way. This is not only to document my experiences, but to help others see their superpowers by describing my own. Each episode will be on a topic I think is crucial for those who are on their journey, as well as the guests that have inspired me, and helped me learn those invaluable lessons (when applicable). This ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 3

  • S3 E3: This Is A Lot...


    S3 E3: This Is A Lot...


    Sharing about how & why I was triggered last night … & how something super small, opened something SO BIG within me… Also working & growing through things I am not so proud of & allowing all of me to be seen Sharing vulnerably on the internet is honestly such an amazing modality for me… esp when it comes to seeing my self through another perspective, processing my emotions & healing 🥰 I hope this video gives you room to have grace, compassion & love for your self (& your inner 7-year old 😉)…. We all deserve unconditional love, forgiveness & compassion. I am a Work in Progress & that is OKAY 👍… perfection is an impossible standard & I’m throwing that out the freaking window. I ain’t perfect y’all, I have a lot of growing & healing to do… but that’s what this life is for! AND there is no finish line! There is no “be perfect by” date! This is all Life-Long… so let’s be gentle with ourselves 🥰

  • S3 E2: Addicted to Cannabis?


    S3 E2: Addicted to Cannabis?


    This is something I thought I would never talk about. I mean, being add!cted to c@nnabis sounds like a joke, right? But just about anything can be an add!ction & I’m sharing about all that is coming up for me, how I’m uncovering new layers to this, the idea of me having an add!ction in the first place & sharing vulnerably in case it helps anyone else (even if that person is me) 🥰 I hope this is helpful! If you take anything from this video, shaming others who have an add!ction is the opposite of helpful,,, they want to be loved & accepted, just like all other beings 💜 Humans can only choose sobriety when they are ready. If you’re someone who faces add!ction or knows & cares about another who does, reading any AA books (yes even if they’re not necessarily addicted to alcohol)(the Big Book, Grapevine publications & Emotional Sobriety) are incredibly helpful & informative 💜 I love you all so much! You’re doing the best you can in every moment & it’s all more perfect than you can understand 🥰 🍋Lizzie Bee 🐝

  • S3 E1: Social Media has Validated my Self-Worth


    S3 E1: Social Media has Validated my Self-Worth


    In this Podcast (originally IG Live) I share life changing, empowering, transforming sh!t ! I share vulnerably how I reacted to seeing only 4 counts on one of my videos & sharing ALL of what came up for me. Feeling like a failure, being addicted to my phone & how I am choosing to adopt new beliefs that serve me & uncovering subconscious thoughts that I have been unaware of, my whole freaking life! I’m just learning about all of this, so I’m no expert… but sharing this was helpful, & I KNOW you will find a lot of value from listening, so you can live the best freaking life you can! 💜I love you all so much! You are SO MUCH more powerful than you’ve been made to believe & you my gorgeous sister/brother/fam are doing such an amazing job! Perfection is impossible, & doing your best is the new standard for success. And guess what? You’re ALREADY doing it! You go Kings & Queens! 🪞I love you so much ! 🍋Lizzie Bee 🐝

  • Temporada 2

  • S2 E2: My Solo Date in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber


    S2 E2: My Solo Date in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber


    Hi Friends! Welcome to my Podcast called My Medicine. In this episode I share my solo date of doing something brand new, experiencing a Sensory Deprivation Chamber. I share vulnerably about everything that came up for me in this chamber, my fears, lack of self trust, revelations that childhood Lizzie had, and reclaiming the word HOPE, that was previously destroyed when I was broken up with over text, after 3 years. This episode really explores the opposition that the Universe keeps showing me, the irony in the world. Being the light in the darkness of this chamber. Realizing how far I've come, from this little girl that had absolutely no control over my situation, having zero freedom, zero hope... to this princess/queen that has found Personal Freedom and her HEAVEN on Earth!!! I hope you enjoy! If you want to see more of me, be sure to subscribe to my Instagram: LizzieBeeLoved, where I share openly and authentically. Also, I have a Patreon where I share my personal journal/diary that started on 4/17/2021. This is when my healing journey started, I share every step along the way, and I post 4 new entries a week: Also to listen to more of my Podcast, make sure to look up My Medicine on Google Podcasts or Spotify . Thank you for watching beautiful human!! Sending you Love!!

  • S2 E1: Let’s catch up! How I’ve been feeling


    S2 E1: Let’s catch up! How I’ve been feeling


    In this podcast episode I talk about one of the more difficult days I’ve had this past week, but also talk about the miracles I found right outside of the darkness