Notas del episodio

This week we are going to cover the rules for Terraforming Mars. Terraforming Mars is a game designed by Jacob Fryxelius and is illustrated by Isaac Fryxelius. The game is published by FryxGames. Expansions include Terraforming Mars: Turmoil (2019), Terraforming Mars: Colonies (2018), Terraforming Mars: Prelude (2018), Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium (2017), and Terraforming Mars: Venus Next (2017).


00:00 MCG Introduction

02:00 Game Overview | Global Parameters

06:22 Game Board

09:03 Tiles

11:29 Markers

12:11 Player Boards

14:00 Cards

16:10 Setup

20:41 Generations

25:31 Actions

37:54 Game End

41:03 Game Variants

44:45 About the Author

45:23 Symbols

55:05 MCG Thoughts

Palabras clave
board gamesreading rulebooksreadingcore rulebookgamesterraforming marsterraformingboardrulesrulebook