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  • Applying Anthropology with Young ...

Applying Anthropology with Young Migrants. Workshop of Anthropology and Photography (case study) - Cristina Santinho

AnthroArt por Antropedia / Namla / Ambigrama

Notas del episodio

The project called “Workshop on Anthropology and Photography” (WAF) is related the work done during 8 months, from March to September 2023, in a small town near Lisbon (Portugal) in a public primary and secondary school, with a particular characteristic: being a multicultural school, attended by children of many nationalities other than Portuguese, with a high number of immigrants and refugees (migrants).

It uses the scientific line of Applied Anthropology (AA), not just a branch or specialization of anthropology, but the epistemological principles, methodologies, and objectives through which the anthropologist deals with his or her subject of interest, whether it’s in the field of medical anthropology, visual anthropology, or the anthropology of human rights, for example.

The aim of this school project was to directly respond to newl ... 

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Palabras clave
anthropologyPhotography WorkshopYoung Migrants IntegrationApplied Anthropology Case StudyVisual Methods in AnthropologySocial Inclusion through Art Participatory Research with MigrantsEthnographic Photography ProjectsYouth Empowerment Initiatives